none.js Simple. Elegant. Flexible. Nothing.

none.js is a JavaScript library that leverages the power and flexiblity of JavaScript. It provides you with an unbelievable small and blazingly fast solution for your front-end and back-end applications.

Why none.js


The built version of none.js has a file size of 478 bytes.
The minified version has a size of only 196 bytes.


Faster than Lodash or React, none.js is the tool of choice for environments where speed is an important factor.

Desktop, mobile, server

Desktop and mobile clients are supported out of the box. Even more, none.js can be used on the server with node.js without additional configuration.

Open Source

none.js is released under the term of the Apache v2.0 license. Thus, it can be used in both Open Source and Closed Source projects.

Code coverage

Development using BDD, the library comes with a couple of tests and has a code coverage of 100%.


A good documentation is important to enable others to contribute and none.js is very well documented. You can read the documentation here.


none.js is available on npm:

npm install --save-dev none


none.js uses the Universal Module Definition (UMD) that allows you to import the library in different environments.


In a browser environment without a module loader the library registers a global none function.

<script src="node_modules/none/dist/none.min.js"></script>
// Use window.none()


When using a CommonJS module loader like node does none.js can be imported like any other module.

var none = require('none');


Since CommonJS modules are supported the module can also be used in (transpiled) ES2015 projects.

import none from 'none';


none.js also supports Asynchronous Module Definitions.

define(['none'], function(none) { ... } );

Building it

Built with Grunt

Clone the repository and install the required development dependencies.

git clone
npm install

You need grunt to build the project or run the tests.
The grunt tasks are listed in the grunt/aliases.json file. To build the project, run

grunt build